Family Photos


Last month we got dressed up and had our photos taken by the lovely Margaret Jacobsen in Portland. Now let me first say that we had just arrived in Portland after being stuck in the car for 2 plus hours. So my kids were slightly wound up. Poor Margaret had to chase Hudson down to get his photos! When we were finished, I had no idea on how the photos would turn out. Which had nothing to do with our photographer, but everything to do with my children. Did I mention that they were running and jumping during the entire session?

But then last night I received our photos, and I absolutely love them. My kids are a little wild and crazy sometimes and Margaret did a great job of capturing their personalities. I'm holding onto the family photos for our Christmas cards, but here is a small sneak peak.


Because my kids are naturally on the wild side, it was an obvious choice to go with these fun shirts by Slyfox Threads. And what better to go with these shirts than some fun masks from Opposite of Far. We adore these fun little masks, even Jake and I have a set. If only we could have caught Hudson wearing his raccoon mask!
