PNW books for children


I am always looking for new books for the kids that do not bore me out of my mind. I know, that's mean to say, the books are for the kids. But at this age, when your kids cannot read yet, and you are reading everything for them. Isn't it better when you actually like the book! My apologies, Dora, but I just do not want to read about you and Boots any longer.

Finding books that your kids are entertained with, and you as the reader can enjoy, can be hard, but they are out there. Some of my favorites are the Pigeon books and anything by Herve Tullet. We have begun to read chapter series books to Lola. That has been a fun change for us, and she has loved following along. For Hudson, he loves anything with big bright pictures and funny story telling.

I received Monsters Under Bridges, Larry Gets Lost in Portland and Why Do I Sing?  for the kids. Not only do these books have wonderful illustrations, but the Pacific Northwest storytelling is fun for all of us.


Monsters Under Bridges showcase some amazing illustrations that kept Hudson intrigued on every page. He loved to point and laugh at each of the monsters that live under the bridges. From The Fremont Flixies that live under the Fremont Bridge to Klick and Tat who live under the Bridge of the Gods. This book is a fun guide for kids through the Pacific Northwest roadways. Taking you over and under the bridges of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia.

Larry Gets Lost in Portland is not only a fun story for kids to follow along with, I learned several fun facts about Portland as well! Who knew the Hawthorne Bridge, built in 1910, is the oldest working vertical bridge. Or that the Portlandia sculpture, is the second largest hollow copper sculpture in the US after the Statue of Liberty. Hudson loved trying to find Larry throughout Portland, whether he was stopping for a treat at Voo Doo Doughnut's or hiding in the submarine at OMSI. Larry Gets Lost In Portland is a cute book that entertains the whole family.

Why Do I Sing? Animal Songs of the Pacific Northwest has amazing illustrations with stories that take you through the sounds of the Pacific Northwest. From the Meadowlark, to the Spotted Owl and the Whistling Swan. This book is beautifully written. Hudson and Lola were entertained by each page, between the paintings and the animal calls. It is a great book to sit and read together as a family.


Sasquatch Books provided me with "Monsters Under Bridges", "Larry Gets Lost in Portland" and "Why Do I Sing". All thoughts and opinions are my own.